200 Japanese lived on SENKAKU- Photos . Tokyo slams Beijing “Stop lying” 谷山雄二朗

Japan has nationalized the Senkaku islands. This film provides 3 solid evidences that proves China’s fabrication over the Senkaku. Japan’s sovereignty is indisputable. 尖閣の真実を、世界共通ツールの英語で伝える。国際世論に訴えていかねば意味がない。
U.S State Department’s DEMOCRACY CHALLENGE FINALIST Yujiro Taniyama
On 20th July 2012, Ai Weiwei, a prominent Chinese artist who designed the Beijing’s “Bird’s Nest” Olympic Stadum Tweeted
“This country has once again proved to the world that law and justice don’t exist here”
This [WASHINGTON TIMES] article mentions that China recognized the Senkaku islands as a Japanse territory 40 years ago. That “Beijing clearly states the islands as “SENKAKU”, a Japanse name on their Chinese map created in 1969″. www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/sep/15/inside-the-ring-145889960/
And you can see this “confidential” MAP is in the film.
Furthermore, A world atlas published in November 1958, by the Map Publishing Company of Beijing, treats the Senkaku Islands as a Japanese territory.[Wikipedia 45] Also, a state-prescribed textbook published in 1970 in Taiwan treated the islands as Japanese territories.[46][47 Wikipedia] books.google.co.jp/books?id=MZGsi1ptLvoC&pg=PA11&redir_esc=y#v
It was not until 1971 that Beijing authorities suddenly started to claim sovereignity over the islands, by creating an artificial name “Diaoyu”. They claimed it right after the UN marine investigation panel announced that the Senkaku island area is “potentially OIL-RICH”.  昭和四十四年の国連の海洋調査後で、尖閣の海底に資源が眠っている可能性が指摘されたため、中国はそのわずか二年後に突然、領有権を主張し始めたにすぎない。
Beijing somehow says today that the Senkaku “was part of China from hundreds of years ago”.
OMG……. Chinese government authority is truly a “master! at historical fabrication.
In April 2012, the former Taiwan President Lee Teng Hui announced that “Senkaku/Diaoyu belongs to Japan” www.chinasmack.com/2012/stories/former-taiwan-president-lee-teng-hui-s
平成二十四年四月、元台湾総統 李鄧輝氏が「尖閣諸島は日本の領土である」、と宣言。
アメリカ国務省デモクラシー・チャレンジ ファイナリスト [首席公使ズムワルト氏と共に・谷山雄二朗]


