200 Japanese lived on SENKAKU- Photos . Tokyo slams Beijing “Stop lying” 谷山雄二朗

Japan has nationalized the Senkaku islands. This film provides 3 solid evidences that proves China’s fabrication over the Senkaku. Japan’s sovereignty is indisputable. 尖閣の真実を、世界共通ツールの英語で伝える。国際世論に訴えていかねば意味がない。
U.S State Department’s DEMOCRACY CHALLENGE FINALIST Yujiro Taniyama
On 20th July 2012, Ai Weiwei, a prominent Chinese artist who designed the Beijing’s “Bird’s Nest” Olympic Stadum Tweeted
“This country has once again proved to the world that law and justice don’t exist here”
This [WASHINGTON TIMES] article mentions that China recognized the Senkaku islands as a Japanse territory 40 years ago. That “Beijing clearly states the islands as “SENKAKU”, a Japanse name on their Chinese map created in 1969″. www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/sep/15/inside-the-ring-145889960/
And you can see this “confidential” MAP is in the film.
Furthermore, A world atlas published in November 1958, by the Map Publishing Company of Beijing, treats the Senkaku Islands as a Japanese territory.[Wikipedia 45] Also, a state-prescribed textbook published in 1970 in Taiwan treated the islands as Japanese territories.[46][47 Wikipedia] books.google.co.jp/books?id=MZGsi1ptLvoC&pg=PA11&redir_esc=y#v
It was not until 1971 that Beijing authorities suddenly started to claim sovereignity over the islands, by creating an artificial name “Diaoyu”. They claimed it right after the UN marine investigation panel announced that the Senkaku island area is “potentially OIL-RICH”.  昭和四十四年の国連の海洋調査後で、尖閣の海底に資源が眠っている可能性が指摘されたため、中国はそのわずか二年後に突然、領有権を主張し始めたにすぎない。
Beijing somehow says today that the Senkaku “was part of China from hundreds of years ago”.
OMG……. Chinese government authority is truly a “master! at historical fabrication.
In April 2012, the former Taiwan President Lee Teng Hui announced that “Senkaku/Diaoyu belongs to Japan” www.chinasmack.com/2012/stories/former-taiwan-president-lee-teng-hui-s
平成二十四年四月、元台湾総統 李鄧輝氏が「尖閣諸島は日本の領土である」、と宣言。
アメリカ国務省デモクラシー・チャレンジ ファイナリスト [首席公使ズムワルト氏と共に・谷山雄二朗]

平成24年4月28日「すべての拉致被害者を救出するぞ! 国民大集会」家族会のみなさんの訴え

平成24年4月28日 日比谷公会堂 「すべての拉致被害者を救出するぞ! 国民大集会」にて収録。(画面ぶれ、また、前半にノイズおよび音ずれがございますことをあらかじめ陳謝申し上げます)

The U.S.-Japan Alliance and the Debate Over Japan’s Role in Asia/石原慎太郎氏スピーチ【拡散要件】

A fixture on Japan’s political scene, long-time Governor of Tokyo (1999-present) Shintaro Ishihara is far and away one of Japan’s leading political figures. Given Tokyo’s dominant size, the views of the Governor are very important in Japanese political debate on the issues of the day, domestic and international. Governor Ishihara will share his views on the U.S.-Japan Alliance and other issues with a Heritage audience, to be immediately followed by a panel discussion from two prominent American experts/practitioners on U.S.-Japan relations. We hope you will join us for what promises to a lively event.

『危機に瀕する日本』日韓紛争概説 第2巻: セックスと嘘と従軍慰安婦【拡散要件】



出典:「rfuj0904 さんが 2012/03/11 にアップロード」
2012年3月10日東京渋谷で行われた在日チベット人コミュニティー主催の「2012 チベット・ピースマーチ・イン・ジャパン」とその後に行われたStudents for a Free Tibet Japan主催の中国大使館抗議の動画です。
集会内容。”Mimanglanglue” チベット蜂起の歌、”Tseme yonten”唱和、在日チベット人コミュニティー ロサン・イシ氏、ダライ・ラマ法王日本代表部事務所 ルントック氏、宗派を超えてチベットの平和を祈念し行動する僧侶・在家の会 善光寺 徳行坊 若麻績敬史氏、メッセージ 参議院議員 山谷えり子氏、龍蔵院デプン・ゴマン学堂日本別院 ゲシェー・ロサン・イクニェン師、チベット問題を考える会 真言宗智山派雪蔵山十善院住職 小林秀英氏、Students for a Free Tibet Japan ツェリン・ドルジェ氏、チベット国歌斉唱、在日チベット人コミュニティー ドルマ・セーリング氏。
Students for a Free Tibet Japan
※ラジオフリーウイグルジャパン Radio Free Uyghur Japan

Stand Up For Tibet : Save Tibetan Lives – SIGN Petition on www.StandUpForTibet.org 【拡散要件】

出典:YouTube「TibetArchive さんが 2011/10/20 にアップロード」
Like or Thumbs Up & Share to show your support for Tibetan people – Click here for more Tibet videos www.youtube.com/TibetArchive
17 Tibetans have Self-Immolated Calling for Freedom in Tibet & Protest against China’s 60+ years of Brutality on Tibetans inside Tibet. Link : www.savetibet.org/resource-center/maps-data-fact-sheets/self-immolatio
SIGN This Petition: standupfortibet.org/enough/dk-speakup-petition-1/
Tibetans inside Tibet have been protesting for 60+ years for Freedom in Tibet from Chinese Brutal Occupation !
Link: www.phayul.com/news/article.aspx?id=30179&article=A+Tibetan+nun+di
October 17: Reports coming out of Tibet confirm the demise of yet another Tibetan, this time a nun, after she torched her body in an apparent protest against China’s continued occupation of Tibet.
Tenzin Wangmo, around 20 years of age, set herself on fire at around 1 pm local time in the Ngaba region of eastern Tibet today.
The exile base of Kirti Monastery, citing eyewitnesses, in a release today said that Tenzin Wangmo self immolated on a crossroad near her monastery, the Mamae Dechen Choekhorling Nunnery, about 3 kms away from Ngaba County.
“Tenzin Wangmo was engulfed in flames as she marched on the streets for nearly 7 to 8 minutes raising slogans calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and religious freedom in Tibet,” the release said.
Tenzin Wangmo died immediately.
According to the release, nuns from the Mamae nunnery carried Tenzin Wangmo’s body to the nunnery and despite repeated warnings from Chinese security personnel, refuse to give possession of the deceased’s body.
“The Chinese authorities have given the nuns an ultimatum to either hand over the deceased’s body or bury Tenzin Wangmo’s body by tonight,” the release said.
The situation around Mamae nunnery, which is the largest nunnery in the Ngaba region with over 350 nuns, is being described as tense.
This is the ninth incidence in this year alone when a Tibetan has been driven to the extreme sacrifice of burning one’s own body as a last resort of peaceful action against the Chinese government’s repressive policies in Tibet.
The first 17 days of October has already witnessed five self-immolations in Ngaba region.
Khaying, Choephel, and Tenzin Wangmo succumbed to their injuries while Kesang Wangchuk is being described in critical condition. There is no information as yet on the whereabouts of Norbu Damdul who was last seen being taken away by Chinese security personnel on October 15.
The Central Tibetan Administration in a release earlier today said that His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be presiding over the “grand prayer service to mourn the tragic self-immolations in Tibet” scheduled for October 19 in Dharamshala, north India.